What Pistol Kywi insert should I get?

We offer two pistol inserts for customers to choose from when ordering a pistol pouch. Glock inserts, and 2011 inserts. 

Glock inserts are designed specifically for Glock magazines, which have a magazine body that tapers to the feed lips close to the end of the magazine.

2011 inserts are designed for 2011 style/shape magazines, which have a magazine body that tapers much sooner than the Glock. These inserts work great for EVERY double-stack magazine Esstac has tested, from 9mm to 45ACP, including Glock magazines. 

The issue customers have run into is putting a magazine that tapers quickly into a Glock pouch, and having the magazine be pushed out, as the taper is at the same height or higher than the pinch point on the kydex insert. The 2011 has a "higher" pinch point, which again accommodates ALL double stack magazines. Below are photos showing why this happens, and a list of magazines by manufacturer that will work with each insert.

If you're not sure which insert to get for your pistol magazines, get the 2011. 

2011 KYWI pistol insert next to Glock KYWI insert
Glock magazines in 2011 and Glock KYWI inserts
2011 magazines in 2011 and Glock KYWI inserts